20 de junio de 2011

Help Nicolau - together against autism

This one is Nicolau, a marvellous and incredibly clever child. Unfortunately he was ASD (autism spectrum disorder) disgnosed last year.

That disease involves an important lack of autonomy and comunication with his enviroment.

Nowadays, although autism disorder can't be cured, there is a treatment that could improve Nicolau's autonomy and his society adaptation. However, its a very expensive tretament and we can't afford it.

This is the reason why we need your help; any financial aid that you could provide us is appreciated and very  important cause could change Nicolau's life.

We need to get and pay for it as soon as possible, cause this tratment provides better results and guarantees for childrens and young patients.

With the intelligence and sensibility that Nicolau already has, we are sure that if he succeeds and is able to relacionate with his surroundings, he'll do extraordinary things someday.

Thanks a lot for your time.

All donations large and small will be very much appreciated. You can send your gift to the following international bank account:

Name: Nicolau Caralt Kawczynska
Name of Bank: Catalunya Caixa (Branch inTerrassa)

IBAN:  ES12 2041 0140 9400 4003 6341 

You can make online donations using credit card:

Thank you very much!

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Nicolau tiene 8 años y dos ordenadores que maneja como le da la gana, está acabando con vida del tercer iPod y no soporta ruidos fuertes. Empezó hablar antes en inglés que en catalán o castellano. Su primera palabra era “dit” – dedo en castellano – yo estaba de viaje y me llamaron desde casa para decir: ha dicho “dit”.. todavía recuerdo la habitación del hotel donde entonces estaba.. grabada ya para siempre en mi cabeza… Nicolau esta dentro del Trastorno Espectro Autista y su mundo es sorprendente y enriquecedor, es un privilegio estar invitado a conocerlo. Quiero que lo conozcas también.